Better understand your child’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior for a deeper and more fulfilling connection.

Why is parent coaching important?

When you brought your child home for the first time, did you receive a textbook that prepared you for every circumstance you would face as a parent? No? Neither did we.

While parenting may not come with a textbook, there are still evidence-based parenting strategies that are available to you as an adoptive family. Parent coaching can help you better understand your child’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior, so that your family can have a deeper and more fulfilling connection.

How Expressions of Hope can help

We provide hands-on parent coaching to help nurture the bonds between parents/guardians and children.

That’s why our Wraparound Care Coordinators (WCC) help by giving access to:

  • Education - Parent Camps, Online Resources, Educational Seminars

  • Intensive Family Based Coaching - In Home Family Support Coaches

Our coaching is designed specifically with the long term mental health of adoptive parents and their adopted children. The adoption process may have put you through hardships already, and that's why these coaching sessions are curated to provide you the research based support to help you on your new journey with your adopted child.

  • Our team will be an active part of typical routines, such as mealtimes, homework, or any other planning that takes place with normal child development.

  • There will be observation, assessment, and feedback of family dynamics.

  • We also offer insights and understanding into your child’s challenges, cues, and signals, so you can better care for your child.

There is hope for your family.

Discover how Expressions of Hope can help.